Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 27: Dog on the Run

When I was a kid, my father's brother had hunting dogs that he kept in a run, sort of like a kennel but with a long, narrow area in which the dogs could run.  I don't remember seeing my uncle's dogs run in there.  I did see them jump at the fence, though.  I never got to pet them because they were working dogs, hunting dogs.  They were brown and white, and now I think they were spaniels, distant cousins of little Gracie.  But that is not the kind of dog run I'm referring to here.

Athlete at rest

Today, Gracie and I went running together.  After going through our normal morning routine--minus eating--I put on my running shoes, my "Hearing Impaired" vest, and a carabiner to attach her leash to my belt.  Then off we went.  I'm certainly no speed demon.  My running was about half-speed for Gracie.  Before starting, I had decided to do half of what I ordinarily do to test the waters.  I want Gracie to be happy with our adventures, so she is willing to go on them with me.  I want her to trust that I will take care of her.  She was amazing!  She stayed right with me and didn't give more than a quick glance to the obstacles we passed: other dogs on leashes out for a morning walk and, of course, the usual early morning rabbits and squirrels.  Best of all, when we got back, she was excited and pleased with herself.  I am happy to discover that she enjoys running--the kind I do--as much as I do!  Next week, boating!

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