Saturday, June 4, 2011

Day 13: The Walk

Talking pictures of Gracie in action is difficult because she is so good at staying right with me.  Today, however, walking back from mailing the bimonthly bills at the post office, I shot a short video of Gracie on the move using my cell phone.  As Martha explained to me while she was here, a hearing dog walks ahead of its partner and not next to him or her as other dogs are taught to do in obediance.  This is so she can let me know when I need to be aware of a sound by stopping until I acknowledge that I have located what she's heard. As we get to know each other better and as Gracie gets to know what sounds around here signal potential trouble, we are able to move along at a good clip--as this video shows.  After all the pictures of Gracie sleeping--which she is also VERY good at doing--I thought I should show why she is so tired by afternoon and welcomes the chance to sleep while I am on the computer.

I thought "Gracie on the Move" would be a good title; however, many many others on YouTube have apparently thought the same thing.  Go, Gracie, go!

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