Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 81: Clean Paws

clean paw
Ever since reading that lawn treatments have been linked to lymphoma in dogs, I have been watchful for those signs that companies put in a yard they have just treated.  When I read in Luis Carlos Montalvan's book Until Tuesday that Montalvan cleans the NYC grime off his service dog Tuesday's paws with baby wipes, I decided that I should be doing that for Gracie after long walks and after going to Twins games and probably simply as part of day to day grooming (like cleaning the goop from around her eyes).  I planned to get a package of the same brand Montalvan uses at Target but then remembered that I had a couple old boxes stashed away.  I wondered if they would still be there and, when they were, just how old they were.  After all, my youngest son is almost twenty-five!  I opened them up and, though drier than one might like them to be, they were still soft with whatever lotion is on them.  I just add a little water like I would to a wash cloth and wipe her paws off, including between the pads.  We'll get Montalvan's brand--Pampers--when we run out of these.

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