Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 79 and 80: Constant Disruption

Feeling Fallish
I've been reading  a book called Now You See It: how the brain science of attention will transform the way we live, work, and learn (Viking, 2011) by Cathy N. Davidson, an English professor at Duke University.  Her conclusion?  Cultivated distraction is the way to go in the 21st Century or, put another way "refreshing your mental browser."  I like this idea because, I find, I am already good at it.  In the movie Parenthood, the grandmother tells Steve Martin's character that people experience life one of two ways: as a merry-go-round or as a roller coaster.  I'd like to add a third way--as bumper cars: hit one wall, turn and go the other way!

Afternoon Sky: Cool and Breezy
Trying to finish up my summer committments while getting the sixteen weeks of the fall community college semester organized and dated, all while getting back in the habit of wearing my hearing aids all the time has done more to unfocus me than focus me.  Gracie seems concerned.  She keeps putting her paw on my leg as if to tell me something and yet no phone is ringing, no smoke detector is sounding, no clock alarm is buzzing, and no one is knocking at the door or ringing the doorbell.  Maybe she is worried that I am thinking of other things and have forgotten about her.  I have not!  In fact, now that I look at the time, I think Gracie  is telling me that it's time to fix her dinner.

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