Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 46: Life on Schedule

Minnehaha Creek at 6:30 a.m.
As the days pass, I am learning what Gracie likes, tolerates, dislikes.  One of the things Gracie really likes a lot is knowing what happens next.  Gracie likes living according to a schedule.  Though I do have to have somewhat of a schedule during the school year, that schedule varies each semester depending on the classes I manage to land.  I must confess that I am schedule resistant  Gracie is encouraging me to change my ways, though.  I particularly like the morning routine we have at the moment. We get up and go right out for a "hurry up."  We then come in, and I have a cup of coffee and check my e-mail.  Next we go for a longer walk up the block to Edina's little Browndale Park on Minnehaha Creek.  When we get home from that walk, Gracie eats.  Many options follow Gracie's breakfast: watering the vegetables, running, more computer work, etc.

Gracie strikes a majestic pose on the
park bench by the Creek.
 Our summer schedule is very relaxed; unfortunately, it can't last.  School starts up again mid-August.  Students start classes August 22 this year.  Then I'll have four classes and over 100 students, papers to grade, lessons to plan, webinars to hold.   I think if we keep to our current schedule until then, Gracie will adapt.  We will have to get up even earlier than we all ready do.  I will have to have the car packed with the things I'll need on campus the night before.  There is so much to keep track of, particularly since I am unable to leave anything on campus and must bring everything home and back again each time I go.  One thing won't change with the return to school: when she eats, twice a day at 7 a.m. and again at 5:30 p.m.

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